Thursday, December 16, 2004

Yet another slow news day...

Todd "Hang Time" Sauerbrun gets nailed for DUI in North Carolina. Why "Hang Time" you ask? That was his license plate when he played for the Bears. Not quite Sebastian Janikowski-type antics, but still funny.

It looks like for once, MLB is the one getting screwed instead of doing the screwing when it comes to the DC baseball mess. As someone who has welshed on my share of agreements in my younger and dumber days, I can tell you that I hope Linda Cropp gets a good swift kick in the ass. Yeah, maybe she's right in that publicly financing the stadium is wrong, but why the hell did she agree to it in the first place? Waffle waffle waffle...maybe Johnny Ketchup is lurking in the background?

Is this guy Mexico's Jeffrey Dahmer?