Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Today's Gross-Out...

Can be found here.

I don't think I've ever drank water from the tap in an aircraft lavatory. Mainly because I can barely fit my hands under the faucet in the first place. But this has me wondering if they make their coffee with bottled/filtered water or not.

Then again, when I lived in Mexico City I used to drink water straight from the tap on a semi-regular basis with no ill effects. So who knows. is doing a feature right now on the best ______s in baseball. Today they chose Derek Jeter as best baserunner. But what I enjoyed most was this quote from baseball sage Don Zimmer:

"As a third base coach,'' Zimmer said, "you tell the runner every time, 'anything in the air or on a line, get back here.' Well, how many times do you tell them, and what happens, they break for home on a line drive, and can't get back in time to tag up? You say 'what happened?' They say, 'I froze.' You freeze in Canada, not on the baseball field."