Friday, July 16, 2004

Alright. It's finally Friday.
Spent 3 hours with a developer this afternoon working on the same problem I showed him yesterday. Now I know how Galileo felt when he had to deal with all those skeptics...I'm sure sooner or later someone's going to come down and slap a big scarlet "H" on me for being a heretic. party tonight. One thing that cracks me up is how every time we have a company shindig of some sort, half the people show up wearing something with the company logo on it.  I don't ever wanna be that guy. My RealTick shirts are for softball or working out...not going out. We even have these dress shirts with the RealTick logo on the front and Townsend Analytics, Ltd on the side to wear for trade shows...and PEOPLE WEAR THEM AS PART OF THEIR EVERYDAY WARDROBE. Egads!
After the party, a gaggle of us are going to check out the Millenium Park opening. It's my big chance to see Da Mare's 400 million dollar setup. Fareed Haque is among the performers and has always been a favorite of mine...I've never seen him live before. There's also going to be some electronic music on the (Bank One) Promenade. Thanks to this link from Big_Stig, I know know house from jungle from trance, and learning about it was fun!
Can't overimbibe too much tonight since I have a tee time at Harborside tomorrow. This ought to be downright embarassing. A links style course with gusty winds? Good thing I bought 2 dozen new balls last night.
Blogger has changed their format. Looks like it's a lot easier to insert pictures now. OK, just tried it...maybe not.