Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Book Club!

Cracked open Tom Wolfe's I Am Charlotte Simmons last night while watching Monday Night Football and started reading. As TO was prancing and slamdunking and the Big Tuna was fuming, my nose was buried in this massive tome. Next thing I know, I looked up and it was 12:35 am and I'd knocked back 240 pages.

So far, the book has gotten dreadful reviews...the chief complaint is that the characters don't develop much at all. That's pretty much the norm with Wolfe though when you think about it. He's more verbose than I am, and describes situations in agonizing detail, but really doesn't devekop his characters outward, just sideways. Make any sense?

I read Wolfe because his use of language is always amusing. In _IACS_ he's already introduced me to "Fuck Patois" (pretty much the language I speak) and the rap stylings of a fella named Doctor Diss.