Friday, April 02, 2004

Audrey Seiler...

Friend of mine came up with the idea yesterday that Audrey Seiler, the girl who went missing for four days in Wisconsin was a prostitute. He theorized that the attack from behind which happened in January was from a john who wanted his money back, and that's why she's been so mum on whether or not there's been any sexual contact. But why would a prostitute wander around a muddy marsh in Madison for a few days? Hmmm...not sure. Just a thought.

In more Ilk-centric news, I took a mental health day from work today to get cracking on cleaning the new condo. Kris and I busted hump for 6 hours over there and things are starting to come together. Strangely enough (especially for a place where 2 guys lived), the kitchen was far more disgusting than the bathrooms. Another trip to the Depot awaits tomorrow, followed by vacuuming and mopping, the latter of which I have no idea how to do.

Oh, and Lurch can cross jobs off of the list of things to bitch at Bush about. On top of that, he's bringing back a Dukakis re-tread to help with the donkeys' 04 effort.