Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Old Man And The Sea...

Neat feature in today's WaPost about a guy, his boat, and some strange fascination with Cuba. I'd love to pull a caper like this off, but my final destination would be a bit more of the tropical paradise variety.

Sox blow one last night and then get a gift from the Indians this afternoon. My drunken self was at the game last of the few games in the past 14 years that I haven't kept score at. I was so disappointed that I even went down to the Bullpen Barwhile the game was still in progress. On the upside, I did get to eat a steak pita! Yum.

This is funny, in that mean and cruel kinda way.

Loyal fan Mike sent in this piece about Lurch Kerry-Heinz and his atrocities in 'Nam. Thanks!