Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Must be the lack of carbs...

..because my God, did I have a wacked-out dream last night.

I was playing 12" softball on the driving range of the country club my family belonged to when we were growing up. Our manager? The Sox very own Ozzie Guillen, and he was wearing that damned pullover he always wears in the dugout. I didn't know who any of the guys on the team were, but I kept begging Ozzie to let me pitch. With our team down like 16-0, he finally let me in and I got shelled. I remember at one point his cell phone ringing and the name "Oney" (who is his oldest son) showed up on the caller ID.

But the really odd part is that there was a fridge right next to the dugout, and it was stocked with LaCroix water just like the fridge here at work. I somehow ended up using the bottles of water and a couple empty boxes to explain to Ozzie how the electoral college worked.

Some of this makes sense...

-We did just buy a new fridge at home which caused us a great deal of heartache when it didn't fit in the opening in the kitchen.
-I drink like 10 LaCroix waters a day
-A bunch of us at work were having a big discussion about how the electoral college works last week.