Monday, October 18, 2004

In times like these, with the outcome of the election uncertain, it's very important to keep in mind that Republicans have better sex. So much for the prude, prim and proper stereotypes!

People always talk about the Chicago Bears and their long tradition of excellence. For the most part though, the tradition of excellence pretty much vanished in the late 1980s, and the tradition of quarterback suckitude began. Guys like Harbaugh, Burris and Willis got the rock for the Monsters Of The Midway and stank up ol' Soldier's Field to degrees never before thought possible. Now it looks like we can add Jonathan Quinn to the QB Dishonor Roll. Here's a guy who seems to only have one plan: drop straight back and throw at (but never to) Bobby Wade. Rinse. Repeat. Yuck. For a guy who is like 6'6" and should have no problem seeing the whole field over the offensive line, he sure does have a case of tunnel vision.

Today's burning question: What's the Red Sox obsession with pine tarring their helmets until the B is no longer? I'm sure most have noticed this strange habit before, but if not see here and here for examples. Are they ashamed of playing for such a cursed franchise with a choke-laden history? If that's the case, maybe the White Sox and Cubs could take a page from their playbook.

Rob and Renee flew in this weekend for Casino Swing, and a great time was had by all. I didn't get to bed until at least 3:30 either night and was one hurtin' scooter yesterday. One of Casino Swing's sponsors was Knob Creek...the stuff may taste good, but you feel it in the morning.