Wednesday, October 06, 2004

News bits...

To the couple who was going at it in a stall in O'Callaghan's on Kinzie back in 1998 while I was taking a whizz, this story's for you. All I remember was that I heard the bathroom door swing open, saw a flash of long curly brown hair and a guy in a dress shirt fly by and then heard the shitter door slam. I left before any moaning started.

Is it me, or does Jedwards look more like Gov. Blago in this pic? Rumours were flying everywhere shortly after he won the governor's mansion over not Jack! not George not Nolan but JIM Ryan that he was a possible veep candidate, by the way.

News flash! Howard Stern switching to Sirius satellite radio. Honestly, I've never understood his appeal. I love dirty/scatalogical/offensive jokes as much as the next guy, and I really really like it when he has women get naked on his TV show so that he can rate them, but I just don't think he's that funny.

Lurch went to 'nam. Then he decided to run for President. But aside from marrying Theresa 57 Flavors, what did he do in between? According to this column from Bruce Bartlett that ran in the Moonie Paper, not a hell of a lot.

Can this Golden Boy save Chucky's miserable team?

Oh yeah, it's 75 degrees in Chicago today. Gonna play me some tennis tonight!