Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Tough decisions to make on the boob tube tonight. Yankees take on the Red Sox, Cards take on the Astros and Lurch takes on Dubya, all at the same time. It's too bad I have no clue how to use the picture in picture thing on my TV.

Jedwards, you're not that funny. Theresa Ketchup sounds like a good cook though.

Caught some of the highlights of the Keyes-Obama debate last night. Keyes had one really good bit about how Obama's war-on-terror policy amounted to "fighing off bayonets with a spaghetti noodle" but other than that, it didn't seem like anything too exciting.

Michael Jackson whines. No one cares. New York's second team is getting a network of their own. Maybe they should call it Mets Entertainment Sports Station, or MESS for short.