Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Ilk hit the weights today at the crack of dawn for the first time since college.

Ilk used to lift religiously for baseball. Then Ilk stopped lifting heavy weights and started lifting oil cans. He turned into a soft and spongy girlyman.

Time for that to be reversed!

Seriously, felt great to lift again...forgot what a rush it provides. Here's hoping that I can always find time for it.

There's a lot of great mysteries that one ponders late at night when insomnia kicks in. Who built the pyramids? What happened to the settlers at Jamestown? Just what is the frequency, Kenneth? Now we can add: Why the hell did the Angels change their name?

They claim that it ensures economic viability. I think it's one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. Let's face it...there's always one team that people associate with a city. Unfortunately in Chicago's case, it sure as hell ain't the Sox.

Although...it's 30.4 miles from LA to Anaheim. It's 35.4 miles from DC to Baltimore. Maybe Peter Angelos should just shut his yap and name his team the Washington Orioles of Baltimore. Call 'em the BWOs for short.