Thursday, February 03, 2005

Going Going Gone...

Dave Wills
, working class hero and consoling post-game voice to White Sox fans everywhere is off to greener pastures. Well, that is if you can call FieldTurf in a half-empty stadium greener pastures. Wills took the Devil Rays' play-by-play gig and will be moving to the (Tampa) Bay Area within the next few weeks. He's had his eyes on a booth job for a while, and it's great to see that he got it.

Wills would stop by Jimbo's or the Bullpen Bar after every game and swill a few pops with his fellow Sox fans. He was the epitome of a South Sider: big, jolly, down to earth, and he has one hell of a Chicago accent. So good luck Dave, and we'll see you in Tampa in March.

As Chicago says bye-bye to Willsy, Baltimore says hello to Scammin' Sammy, who has proclaimed Camden Yards as his new house. Check out this fluff piece from Linda Vecsey.

One more hardball note...I've now found the best minor league team name ever. Check out that logo!