Monday, August 09, 2004

Monday. Yawn.

Weekend was alright. Went to the annual Nomadsfest tailgate extravaganza put on by the AOL White Sox message boards contingent. There was indeed Falstaff involved, which believe it or not, actually smells like rotting fish. There were also wicked good Polish sazziges involved...scarfed down 2 of them. Game itself sucked except for the 5 run fifth...I knew it was just a matter of time before Shingo blew a save. It seemed like Saturday instead of using the Frisbee as an out pitch, he was using it to set up too much (and mostly missing), so all the hitters had to do was wait for a fastball and it was time to start feasting.

Golf yesterday at 6:28 am, after not getting to bed until like 1 Saturday. I was a walking zombie most of the fact, we didn't even go to the game.

So Alan Keyes is officially in for the 'pubs. No chance in hell he wins, but this ought to be an ideological clash for the ages. All he's going to do is spout off about God and abortion, and it's gonna make my ears hurt.