Thursday, July 22, 2004

Completely unremarkable Thursday. Actually somewhat quiet and peaceful at work for the first time all week.

So what's up in the world?

The 9/11 commission report is out, and pretty interesting, if a bit macabre. Odd that the initial report pointed a lot of the blame on White Houses past and present, but the full report seems to focus more on the intelligence community. I'd like to get a copy of the full report, but have no idea how to do it. Does one buy it at a newsstand? At Amazon? And who gets the profits?

Looks like Gerhard Schroeder likes his beer.

Also looks like MeatLoaf's movie has some elephants running scared. I'm sticking with my initial gut feeling that it's not going to change anyone's minds...because people of my ilk aren't going to see it.

Lance Armstrong is nothing short of amazing. It's like he knows when he's gonna strike, and when he does, there's no stopping him. I heard this morning that some French and German fans were spitting on him as he climbed L'Alpe d"huez yesterday. What a bunch of crybabies. As in politics, so as in cycling I guess.

This poll  is somewhat surprising. In the past, Hispanics have tended to vote Republican because of their emphasis on religion, family values and all that other wholesome shite. But now, as more and more of them become citizens, I guess they want big government.

Mark Buehrle was nothing short of sensational last night. With Freddy taking the bump tonight, I wouldn't rule out a sweep of the short set. This weekend's going to be tough with the no-longer-doormat Tigers in town, and the matchups don't really favor us.