Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Electoral votes no longer winner-take-all? Heaven forfend!

I like this idea. But I like the idea of allocating it the way Maine and Nebraska do (mentioned in the linky) even better. In states like Illinois, I think it could ultimately help the Republican cause, seeing as it's just one county that tends to vote Democratic anyway.

Knowing full well that the Sox would roll over and play dead for Minnesota last night, I instead tuned into Monday Night Football, where I was overjoyed to watch the one franchise in all of professional sports that I despise more than the Twins stumble, fumble and bumble their way through 4 quarters as they were roundly pasted by the Eagles. My feelings on the Eagles are pretty similar to the way I feel about Green Bay..I don't like them, but it's tough not to respect them, since they're always in the thick of it.