Monday, September 20, 2004

Saturday morning Rob and I pulled up to Corinthian at about 10, which was a little bit later than commitee boat people were supposed to arrive, but right on time in Rob's world where everything is about 25 minutes behind schedule. As we're walking to the docks, a guy stopped us, told us that from what he had heard the commitee boat was fully staffed and that he was clooking for crew. It turned out the committee boat needed one more guy...and that was Rob. So I spent all day Saturday racing on a Rhodes 19, which is a great little boat. Far more stable than a Lightning, it sails really well pointed close to the wind and isn't weight-sensitive at all, which is great when my fat ass is on board. The couple I sailed with were older...he (JC) is a civil-engineer who dabbles in options trading, and she (Stefania) is a consultant for privately held companies. We raced really well, taking second in the second race and finishing about middle of the pack in the other 2 races. I'm curious to see how they fared yesterday, but CCYC hasn't posted the results yet.

Went to the Sox game yesterday. They won with me present for the first time in what seems like months. In was months. According to my scorebook, last time I saw a White Sox winner in person was July 24th. Although I watched the Sox, most of my energies were focused on the Bears-Packers game...and I guess for once my luck worked. Sucks that Mike Brown is out for the season though.

Looks like Friday night I'm going to be part of the giant biking carnival that is Critical Mass. Mom's boyfriend Shelley is in town, and he used to do it regularly. Although CM'ers tend to be of the liberal persuasion, I do agree with them that there really are just too many damned cars out there.