Friday, September 03, 2004

Not much too exciting to report today, so I'll start with the President's speech last night.

If we were looking for a knockout or a home run, we didn't get it. Instead we got a knockdown and a ground rule double. I've always said that Bush never speaks well when he's scripted, and last night was no exception. Started off with an outline of his domestic agenda...permanent tax cuts, no child left behind, etc. Having always had a medical "flex" account, I like the fact he wants to make them available to everyone, and that they'll be portable. Granted, these accounts don't instantly solve the health care crisis, but they're not a bad thing either.

Tax cuts permanent. Me likey, lefties don't. Big emphasis on helping small business..this from a guy who the Dems always like to say is nothing but a tool of big corporations. Tort reform...yay, indirect jab at the Dems and their infatuation with trial lawyers. Medical liability reform, jab at John Edwards. Social Security for younger folks invested in the stock market...being the capitalist pig that I am, I really like it. It gives a lot of people my age who have never owned a share of stock in their life a chance to learn about the market at work.

I gotta admit, I liked the somewhat snarky way he mocked Kerry when he quoted him directly, using that kinda high whiny voice. Keep in mind this is a guy who has been under a barrage of attacks from everyone from MeatloafMoore to Babs Streisand acting as attack dogs for Kerry, and I think that was clever.

In other news, our vaccuum cleaner belt broke for the second time this week. Looks like a trip to Sears is in order. Off to DC for the weekend...more when I get back!