Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Band of the week that everyone else has probably already heard of?

The Constantines.

If The Strokes, The Sex Pistols and The Boss had a giant orgy that somehow produced a love child, this is what their music would sound like. Good stuff, I highly recommend it.

You know, being a homeowner can be fun sometimes. Being able to say "yeah, I (we) own my place" is pretty cool, especially when it's a bargain like ours in a super-inflated real estate market. But over the past 24 hours, I've discovered 2 things wrong with the Aerie:

1) There's a leak in the second bedroom...apparently there's a hole in the roof, and with all the snow melting off, water is just drip-drip-dripping into the corner. Had to move the guest bed and wedge a bucket back there.

2) My class A, king-of-the-world, yes-it's-true-that-I-kick-ass caulk job I did back in November is cracking. Grrr.

Oh yeah, and for the past 2 days, the snow meltoff on the roof of the building has been so intense that it sounds like it's pouring rain. It's a quaint noise to hear for a couple hours...but after 2 days, it truly is water torture.