Saturday, February 04, 2006

Tag--I'm It!

Bret over at Random Walk tagged me. So here goes:

Four Jobs I've Had
1. Hardware Department at Menards
2. Landscaper/Lawn Mower
3. Software Salesman for now-bankrupt brokerage
4. Teacher of English as a second language

Four Movies I Can (and Do) Watch Over and Over:
1. Caddyshack
2. Wall Street
3. Major League
4. South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut
(Please note 9 out of 10 sane redblooded American males would probably have the same list as me)

Four Places I Have Lived:
1. Lincoln Park, Chicago
2. West Lakeview, Chicago
3. Tri-Taylor, Chicago
4. Ontario, NY

Four TV Shows I Love:
1. The West Wing (Gonna miss it something fierce)
2. Desperate Housewives (Susan's my favorite. Teri Hatcher has the longest legs I have ever seen)
3. Declassified (currently airing on the HIstory Channel)
4. Baseball Tonight (I'll be glad to do my Harold Reynolds impression for anyone who wants to hear it. Supposedly, it's spot-on)

Four Places I’ve Vacationed:
1. Myrtle Beach, SC
2. Amsterdam, Netherlands
3. Gunn Lake, Michigan
4. Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic

Four of My Favorite Dishes:
1. Pork chop from Skrine Chops by my office
2. My homemade giambotta
3. My homemade chili (Which tastes even better when I use my Guatemalan insanity peppers that I grew on the deck last summer)
4. The Better Half's chicken andouille sausage jambalaya

Four Sites I Visit Daily:
2. Deadspin
3. Drudge (who doesn't)
4. Poker Prof's Poker Blog

Four Places I’d Rather Be Now:
1. US Cellular Field
2. Sonoma
3. Tahoe
4. Fort Myers (I'd even sacrifice my sanity and stay with the Better Half's parents if it meant I could see the sun and play golf)