Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Tennis Anyone?

Played tennis last night for the first time in 5 years. Just getting to the courts was an adventure. Initially, Aaron and I were going to play at UIC, but their new courts are closed to the public once school resumes (as of yesterday), so we missed that deadline, which is a damned shame since the courts are pristine, and chock full of nubile young college students. Drove down to McGuane Park in Bridgeport, which had courts that looked really really sad...finally ended up playing over by IIT at 30th and Michigan, on some really nice courts which unfortunately were unlit.

Anyway, my first serve needs work. I think I only got 2 or 3 over during the course of the set. I can't charge the net as fast as I used to, and I'm not able to stripe my backhand down the line anymore, it ends up popping up way too high. There were a couple shots which I flat out swung on and missed, verrrrry embarassing. Aaron won the set, 6-3. But I'm gonna start playing regularly again for sure.