Thursday, September 23, 2004

Chris Winters over at Black Betsy has a funny entry a few days ago about what baseball team your kids should grow up rotting for, and what that says about them. I think it was written by one of his co-workers, but at any rate it's below:

Child abuse: Cubs, Red Sox, White Sox, Phillies, Astros.
Making sure your child sets no goals for himself whatsoever: Brewers, Pirates, Devil Rays, Royals
Making sure your child has a reach sense of history but feels like a loser: Tigers, Reds, Indians
Making sure your child vastly overpays for things and has no sense of value: Mets, Orioles, Dodgers, Rangers
Turning your child into a spoiled brat: Yankees, Braves
Making your child an outcast with no support network: Expos, Blue Jays
Making your child frugal, but subject to a glass ceiling: Twins, A's
Making your child depend on one person his whole life: Giants
Teaching your child to throw out his best toys: Mariners, Diamondbacks, Marlins
Giving your child a sense of personal space: Rockies
Leaving a child with only the Cardinals, Padres and Angels to choose from. And who wants that??

Definitely good for a morning chuckle.

So I talked to my sister for a while this morning, a pretty rare occurrence. About 2 or 3 months ago, she got involved with this juice distribution business. Initially, I thought it was a good thing for her (I've never really understood her, she has a degree in English from NIU and would make a great teacher, but she gets caught up in all these bizarre schemes somehow), but after talking to her today, I'm convinced that while the juice may work wonders, that the organization may be just a little bit on the cultish side. There's some kind of "empowerment conference" featuring "successful woman speakers" this weekend, and she wanted me to ask Kris to go with her. It sounds like Amway meets the Moonies, if you ask me, and I'm a little concerned. I'll see if she's said anything to my Dad about it.