Monday, September 27, 2004

Moderately eventful weekend.

Did Critical Mass on Friday. One of the most exhilarating experiences I've had in a long time, zipping around the city streets on my bike while we make traffic wait for us. Lots of cheers from tyhe peds on the sidewalk, and lots of frustrated drivers. I still don't understand why the hell people INSIST on driving're just asking for frustration. I also noticed that the most hotheaded of those stuck in traffic tend to be those SUV types...further proof that the giant SUV is the ultimate vehicle of choice for those with small peckers.

Red Flannels Regatta Saturday. Sailed well, but did not place well...hence, no link to the results to spare myself embarassment. We had to pull out of the last race Saturday though after a spinnaker dousing gone horribly wrong...the sail ended up stuck under the boat and got soaked, which meant it weighed about 200 lbs as we pulled it up. It also ended up with a small tear, which Rob was not too pleased about. Sadly, I think it was mostly my fault. We ended up not racing yesterday...Rob went and crewed on another boat and I stayed home and watched the Bears fall to 1-2 and my damned fantasy team fall to 0-3.