Friday, October 29, 2004


Here's some truly tasteless liberal-oriented Halloweenie costumes that still made me laugh. Enjoy. (Thanks Wonkette)

Played some doubles last night, on what turned out to be an absolutelyl perfect night for tennis even tough the leaf-strewn court made the ball skid around a lot. I hadn't played doubles in 11 years, but think that since I'm now old and fat (and volley really well) that I may be better suited to it than runing ragged all over the couty playing singles. Dinner at the Wild Goose afterwards, where I had one of the best plates of $2.00 nachos ever, combined with one of the most pathetic Reubens I've ever eaten.

Locks of the week, solo para entertainamiento:

San Fransisco +1 1/2 Chicago
Carolina +8 Seattle

I'll be back later on today with the state-by-state rundown for the election.