Tuesday, March 08, 2005

This Spring's Must Have Fashion Accessory

Let's face it...being a Lincoln Park Trixie isn't easy. Those $4 lattes sure put a dent in the Kate Spade pocketbook, and gas for the black Jetta is oh-so-expensive these days, with that like war in Iraq and all. So this year's trend in Trixie fashion is a relatively cheap one, but a disturbing one nonetheless.

I've noticed said item on many a bleached-blonde noggin around Chicago this early spring. Whether the wearer is rollerblading, slumming at Barney's New York in sweatpants and Uggs, or hopping in a cab after work to head over to the Multiplex, they're almost omnipresent.

It's a blue hat that sports the logo of a baseball team with a long tradition of mediocrity. A team that plays in a cramped and small ballpark packed to the gills with cell-phone toting yupsters. A team that once, just once got really lucky in the past century and now has no intention of ever living it down.

That's right, the current hat to have right now for the sophisticated Chicago female 20something is a Boston Red Sox hat. Extra bonus points to you, Trixie, if your hat looks like it's been through the wash a few times.

I don't get it. Most of these girls went to Purdue or Michigan State, not UMass or Boston College. They're from Wheaton or Schaumburg, not Worcester or Salem. Up until this year, they firmly believed the best ass in baseball belonged to Mark Grace, not Kevin Millar. But all of a sudden, they're on that damned Beantown bandwagon. Go figure.

So if the A's win it all next year, I wonder how they'll like kelly green?