Believe it or not, there's a lot of Cub fans out there willing to give the White Sox their propers. Unfortunately, they usually have to have ingested 7 or 8 beers before doing so.
Normally, I'm all for watching bootleg copies of movies. But if friends offer to show you the latest Star Wars, turn it down. No way it plays on the small screen the way it does at the theater. (Still haven't seen it)
I'm not cackling with glee about Mark Prior. I feel sorry for the guy--he has every pitching gift under the sun bestowed upon him, and just can't stay healthy long enough to using it. Here's hoping Mark eventually stays healthy, preferably in Yankee pinstripes.
There are maybe 4 or 5 attractive women who work for my firm of like 200 people. I met one of them at the party I was at Friday, and I'll be damned if I can remember her name.
France rejected the EU Constitution. They're bitter because they don't get to be the creme de la creme of Europe anymore. Boo hoo hoo. For all the shit I say about Rumsfeld, he did get it right when he referred to France as part of "Old Europe."
Saw Mark Giangreco in Osco up on the North Shore Saturday afternoon. He looked really hungover, and pulled the typical "I'm a star" act of wearing his shades indoors. He's a lot taller than I thought, and I had no clue who he was until my buddy Henry told me.
Riding your bike down Lake Shore Drive at 6 am on a Sunday morning with nary a car in sight is one of the greatest experiences you can have. The silence was deafening, punctuated only by whoops of glee as people ride under tunnels, which sure beats bleating horns.
I imagine that for NASCAR fans, the finish of the Coca-Cola 600 Sunday night was about as dramatic as the finish of Monday afternoon's game was for White Sox fans. C'mon Timo!